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In 2022, the GENERAL COORDINATION OF ZP-16 PILOTAGE SERVICES (PRATICOSZP16) was created, a non-profit civil entity, organized for an indefinite period, with headquarters and jurisdiction in the city of Santos - SP, at Avenida Almirante Saldanha da Gama , 64 – CEP 11.030-400.


PRATICOSZP16's activities extend to the geographical area delimited by the Ports and Coasts Directorate (DPC), called Zona de Praticagem 16 – ZP-16: Santos e Baixada Santista, São Sebastião e TEBAR (SP). 


PRATICOSZP16 aims to:


• Bring together single-member limited liability companies (SLUs) necessarily constituted by active Pilots, who develop exclusively professional activities in the ZP-16;

• Make the legal and institutional representation of the Associates that provide Pilotage services in ZP-16;

• Monitor compliance with the ZP-16 Pilotage service schedule of the Associated SLUs, in compliance with the determinations of the Directorate of Ports and Coasts (DPC);

• Manage the Pilotage services of the ZP-16, in accordance with the determinations of the Maritime Authority and Port Authority, operating the structures and equipment necessary to achieve its purposes, through its own personnel and/or third parties, if necessary;

• Maintain exchange and collaboration with similar entities, whether national or foreign; as well as

• Carry out studies, research and technical opinions related to Pilotage services in ZP-16.


PRATICOSZP16 is organized through Assemblies of Associates, Board of Directors and Executive Board, assisted by the Audit Board and the Compliance Committee.

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